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Scams and Human Design and Notebook thoughts I think the people who sell courses - in this case it's a lot of advertising and other business stuff that are targeting me - should understand that they are not trying to nab everyone. They only need to attract the people the program is correct for. And once they've got those people's attention, they don't need to be pushy. I was... I guess still am... curious about a certain funnel/advertising...thing. Company? Dude? It talks about running a single ad that attracts (reliably) people to a single package. And it offers a service that hosts the funnel and, idk, other stuff. Crunches the numbers? But the advertising is so aggressive that it actually obscures the value of the product, and I don't know if I want to work with a company that can't scale the pushiness of its dialogue, no matter how great their product is. It's human design that allowed me to scale my pushiness. I finally got ahold of the notion that frequently, things that are right for me are not right for others. The thing that saved me may well save some others too, but it won't save everyone in the world, so I needn't present it like a universal lifeboat. That's so often the claim. "You've tried a million things and none of them have worked! THIS ONE is the one that will work for you [because it worked for me]!" Okay. Human design also taught me where I am vulnerable to being scammed. In a nutshell, any of your open centers represent places where you are vulnerable to being scammed. Your conditioning will make you think that your unfixed access to those areas makes you faulty or "less." You will be eager to buy a solution that claims to be able to solidify what is inherently transient in you. My social media feeds are almost all ads, and you can just scroll them, naming the center that it's designed to appeal to. The program I mentioned earlier actually had a very compelling original hook, but the "mastermind" that followed (which had a lot of good information) was a hot hose of undefined root conditioning. "You're running around everywhere," the advertiser says. "You don't have any time. You're overwhelmed." He also appealed to the shortness of life lolol He did a lot of stuff. He's taken a lot of marketing courses. So many! Hundreds of thousands of dollars that I don't have to spend figuring out what doesn't work [for me] because this thing [his thing] is the one that worked.